
First professional Job in SD

Just finished my work on a new website for the local democrats, www.pendem.org. I'm kinda hopeing that it will take off and people will notice me. Or maybe I'm just hoping that things work and I don't have to do a lot of work on it. Either way, it's live and kicking, we'll see where it heads in life....

Otherwise, I'm still looking for work, going on several years now of nothing Constant, but sporatic. This has to let up, right? Funny thing though, with everything being said by the president, I've been out of work as long as he's had a job... maybe it's karmic, maybe it's just fate, maybe I'm getting paranoid.

Lastly, my wife and I are headed home for a visit over halloween, this should be interesting. We are planning on seeing old friends and family and making one heck of a ruckus in the course of events. Ok, maybe not, but it's nice to think, eh? Otherwise, I just love that woman, she's pretty special, and with everything going on, she's such a rock when you need a shoulder... gotta find a way to appreciate her more.

Well, I've finally installed blogger on Firefox, so I guess we'll see how much I keep up with this...



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