
Sometimes I just want to....

Well, the last of my "bitch" posts till I get back from vacation. For anyone that reads this on a semi regular basis, I will definatly be in touch with you when I get home... don't sweat that. I'm just a little slow on getting my skit in gear this week due to all the problems with... well, getting my shit in gear.

Anyway, on to the complaint... see, it's Apple again... Why oh why do they have to make such a delectable little MP3 player? I'm of course refering to my Ipod Photo. I was copying music to it tonight, and at the same time, catching up with all my reading, when I stumbled accross the anouncements from Apple that there was new Ipod Software (1.2) and Itunes (4.9). So, like any good nerd, I decided that updating the thing before I left would be a good idea, it would give me time to play with the new features (not many) and get to know the new software (now, not likely).

Well... with out warning or provication, it ERASED MY ENTIRE IPOD! See, I keep a lot of my music JUST on my Ipod, using either Itunes or the WinAmp plugin to manage the files (the winamp plugin btw rules!). But when I went to use Itunes to look at the new "ipodder" features, it ERASED EVERYTHING! (did I use caps enough yet?). Not just some of the stuff, but everything, every little biscit of info, every single electronic sausage, and even made me rename my poor Ipod, of which I decided a more suitable name for would finaly just be Rick's Ipod, no more Mr. funny guy for me. So now, here I am, 14 hrs away from leaving on my little road trip, and I have to recopy everything back to the Ipod, and ignore all the crap that resides on my computer. AND, re-rip several CD's worth of music that I was storing only on the Ipod (yes, I know, backup, but ya see... I tunes won't let you... shame that it is). This is getting to be the last straw... I've sent several letters to Apple about these exact type of things with the Mini. Now, the Zen's that both the boys have... their updates don't even touch the music... but Apple, well, god forbid that it just works right the first time... that would be a tragedy, right?

Anyway, off my soap box. I'm starting a new blog over the next couple weeks everyone, this space will be reserved for my personal and news reports, and the other one is more dedicated to my podcast and my rants. Look for it at http://lifesetonslow.blogspot.com . I'll be putting stuff there over the next few weeks and months, as my launch date for my show approaches.

Anyway, hope anyone else thinking about using the update to their ipod thinks twice, and backs up (oh wait, you cant!) anything that's irreplaceable on their Ipod.



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