
Debunking the Divinci Code

Why is it that the History Channel is debunking the DiVinci Code? I was watching tonight, and there was an entire program based on that book.... what's that about? I mean come on, this isn't history! Is this book such a threat to the open minded that the History Channel needs to base a program about it? Maybe this alone should be enough to make people look at the book as more historical than fictional.

On the show, the entire tone was one of skepticism... which in itself isn't a bad thing, but it isn't history... and more than that... there was quite a bit where the lack of proof was taken as proof itself. This isn't history either... if there isn't proof one way or the other, than there is NO reason to doubt or belive, but they used the lack of evidence to as basis for proof... well, if that's the case, all the books burned by the Nazi's never existed, because there is no proof that they existed... right? Those fires they held were all made of wood... My my, what a wicked web we weave... and DiVinci wasn't a member of a secret sect because in his public writing, he never mentioned it... what kind of proof is this? I would think a grand master of a secret orginazation would probaly be pretty hard put to publicize it... might get his title striped.

Ok, ok, I babbeling like a brook, but I'm a little upset that the channel devoted to history decided to take a simple book and "throw the book at it" (so to speak) instead of just presenting what is historical fact and letting the intellegent turn their own minds on to it. This is almost republican propaganda in my estimation. Perhaps if they hadn't made such a fuss, with the narator constantly going on and on about how this isn't and that isn't because it wasn't recorded I would have had a more open mind about disbeliving it, but now I'm almost a convert to the idea that Mary Magadlin was the holy grail. She had the lable prostitute removed in 1969 by the church, according to the show, but having grown up and educated in a catholic school well after that, I know that the church may have offically removed it, but the practice was to still label her as such. (thanks Our Lady Help Of Christians). And when they talked of the historical basis for other ideas, that were debunked because of lack of evidence, they failed to tell me what the basis for the denial was... oh wait, it was that there was no evidence again... AAAARGH, it's all so frustrating.

Anyway, before that was an entire show on the bible code... anyone ever heard of this? Appearently, there are hidden messages in the hebrew translation of the old testiment... otherwise called the "jewish section" of the bible (again, thank you OLHOC). Twin Towers, Osama BinLaden, even the year 2012 (the end of the world or end of times) all these and much more that has troubled our world, but all just speculation according to the show. Do the jewish know something that the catholics don't? I'm almost tempted to become jewish just to get more information. I mean, it was a little creapy, but using the same technology, they "said" that the death of JFK was predicted in the book "Moby Dick", but never told me what the actual phrases in the book were when found... and that means they weren't as forthright as the phrases found in the old testiment. Wow, yet another bit of trash talking in my esitmation.

Perhaps I should just stop watching the history channel for a little while, fake history makes me mad, but not as mad as history or fact that is distorted by an editorial view... Open your minds people, it may not be your cup of tea, but look inside and tell me you don't find a problem with debunking a theory because it had no proof one way or another. Hope everyone can find it in their heart to start using their mind...



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