
One Crazy Day

As I sit here wondering if anyone else is as bothered by what's happening today as I am, I think that perhaps we need to encourage a little more free thought... If Sadam Hussain were to have invaded a county to spread his morals and views, he would have had one of two things happen to him by the international community. One would be his capture and hummiliation, the other would be a trial under the rules of the geneva convention. Where does GWB get away with the same thing? I've had friends serve and die in the middle east, all in the hopes of finding these great WMD's that we were all promissed, but not until he had been accepted and confirmed for his second term did 'lil georgie admit that we are giving up looking, now it's spreading liberty... wait... how does the lack of our views in someone elses country constitute a threat? At least he should be truthful with the country, he's there because the son always feels that he must out do the father... and now that's about it.

Now let's talk about why he was re-elected... in the 80's, the Republican party was the boogieman of the political landscape. They were the big business and the upper 2% of the country, everyone else was the little man, and as such, we wanted rule of our country back... now, the democrats have become the boogieman, they are the hippie-out-of-touch wacko's that are only interested in saving the poor who won't / don't work. With the tax's of the 80's and early 90's, we wanted a break, and even though Big Billy C did give us a little break, he was still funneling our money to save our country, and heck with the rest of the world for now... let's fix what's at home... and now we feel both guilty about that, and worried that we are some how open for attack again, but wait, we had information that they were going to do it. How did we miss that one? Oh wait, Ms Rice knew about it... isn't she about to be the new Secretary of State? So instead, we started looking to God instead of country for our support, and even to help our future take some sembelance of shape.

(Aside - Just so you don't get all up in arms, during 9-11, I was not only a NY'er, my baby brother lives and works just outside manhattan on LI, and my mother was a brand new flight attendant, having graduated the FRIDAY BEFORE from her school, and working one of the last planes to land at JFK that day before the rest of the flights in the air were diverted out of the country. Not hearing from her till 2pm that day, I think I can vent as I like.. though I don't have as much reason as those who lost family that day, rest their souls, I do think I'm allowed reasons that others will never understand)

Your Nascar dads and Soccor moms are feeling more guilty about not raising their kids the way their parents raised them, and as such, they want the government to control those same kids. It used to be that your parents would walk into your room to see what you were doing, that they took an active role in the education and goals of our youth. But now... Oooh, kids are carying guns? Well, we NEVER showed our kids how to hate people who were different (sure you didn't), we encouraged our kids to be good, but we let them run wild instead... I'm waiting for SuperNanny to become secratary of education because she would institute the naughty stool in schools.

No, now we've forgotten that according to the republicans, women are to be mildly repressed, why can't you stay home and control these rowdy kids? How is that different from what the same people we are fighting in the middle east doing? How far are we from covering our women and making them walk 5 feet behind us? Maybe 1000 or 2000 years? Isn't that the length of the history the middle east has over the USA? (remember folks, we're only a few hundred years old as a country over the several thousand the middle east has). Yet women are voting republican because we've allowed a loss of personal control, and now expect our kids to be controled by laws and rules that are government imposed... We are affraid of being put behind bars because we decided that the same spanking our parents used as a diciplinary tool. We are allowing our kids to control us, and uneducated leadership isn't much leadership at all....

And on that, is it me, or is GWB the Jeff Forworthy of the presidental lineup? We got more upset about a president getting a little felatio than a president who is sending our sons and brothers to die for something mystical and (now) non-existant. Instead, we listen to him stutter through prepared speaches... Where is the Carl to his Homer? (I've spelled all the big words "pho-net-ic-ly") Oh wait, he has the best speach writers in the country, so how is it that we have to suffer with such bloopers as "Trying to put food on your family"? Ok, so no, the bump in his back wasn't a wire, obviously, because he couldn't be so undereducated? right? We've forgotten that he had a cocaine and alcohol problem in his higher education. Wait, the prez is an ex coke head? Did we all forget that? Yet the last prez smoked a little pot, produced a SURPLUS in our budget (which btw was gone in the first years of GWB first term) and brought with him a huge economic boom. But we all focused on his Daddy Gear instead, I've never seen the country so interested in oral sex, with the exception of the 70's and 80's swinger revoloution.

Oh how I miss those days, when technology was everywhere, and it was still the savior of the business world.. But it was for everyone. We now put such kibosh on those small business that they can't survive, and big business (I.E. Republican run business) took over by running them out. We ALL had the ability to have our own business, our own little slice of the dream. But now, unless your name is WalMart or BestBuy, you can only hope for a little regional popularity, or at least till you get a Target or Super-WalMart in your neighborhood. And PLEASE don't get me started on the RIAA, who have all but effectivly squashed the small musician.

Ok, well, now I'm rambeling... and my point is that I don't have one... I'm only interested in people learning to think for themselves, to control their children without fear of reprisal, and to remember, the very areas that are now "red" states were founded by people who would have prefered that we were "blue". Please, learn to think for yourself, learn that you are the parent, and remember that we are a democracy, our founding fathers would have been VERY upset about this war, we wanted freedom from the oppression of other countries invading our shore.


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