
Who's Your (radio)Daddy?

Just a quick update again tonight... waiting on posts to a request I put in at RadioDaddy today for sweepers and station ID's at Radio Daddy... Hoping I don't get passed by because i'm a neophite (i.e. fancy way to say newbie). Still waiting on my new Mic to get my podcasts started, but it's looking good... new mic tomorrow hopefully and begin posting as soon as I have a decent handle on how to format the OPML file to agregate it. As well, have all the software and hardware I will need all in place, so we'll see just how much more I need. Also, since my site is kinda sparce on info, I'm probaly going to put it on a seperate site as soon as I can afford one. (sponsors welcome, working towards the $100 for a new host for a year with limited size, but huge bandwidth.... ya all know I've got the voice friends and neighbors!).

Past that, found the article on the 4 y.o. kid driving the car quite comical this morning, but I still kinda feel that his mother admiting that she put him on her lap and showing him how to drive was an admission of her guilt in negelance. That kid should have been belted in every time they drive. I know some people think it's cute or something, but this isn't Disney Land, where the cars all work on rails, this is real life folks... please, someone help that poor kid before he drives again!

Lastly, I'm a little upset with the Apple people... I loved their hardware years ago, but left them because of the propriarity setup and production methods they were using, and after Packard-Bell, that kind of single setup left a seriously bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps it's just me... Anyway, I've been having problem after problem with their new iTunes software, although if they had just fixed the single bug and left everything else alone, I would have been the worlds biggest fan, and had everyone I know downloading the software. Perhaps this isn't such a big deal to thouse of you out there who don't play a lot of MP3's, but to me, someone who works constantly with the player going, it's huge. They relly needed to respond to one of my first two mails, then I wouldn't have to keep rehashing this issue... come'on apple, get it together.

Nuff for now, gotta get back to work.. Ta!


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